Designing “beauty experiences.”

Misaki Nagatake

Joined in 2017Art Director / Product Designer

ーWhy did you decide to join Shiseido Creative?

I studied design at the national university of Japan. I also went abroad while I was a student and studied product design and communication design in Paris and New York. Shiseido in New York was recruiting interns at that time, and I was interested but because of my visa I couldn’t join.

When I came back to Japan, I felt there was something off about the way most Japanese companies recruit new grads. Shiseido was the only company whose entrance requirements respected diversity and had flexible atmosphere. The recruitment workshop was unique and there was a sense of freedom. I enjoyed it from the bottom of my heart. I was actually torn between taking a more conventional position or becoming a designer, but my university teacher pushed me, saying, “you're definitely a designer, you should take on the challenge.” And here I am today. The Shiseido entrance exam brought out my strengths that I was never aware of, so I encourage others to give it a go.

Shiseido designs are well known to every design student in Japan. I aspired to design packaging for Shiseido Parlour, and I was inspired by the work of graphic designer and “Hanatsubaki” art director Masayoshi Nakajo. While I was a student, I used to buy old issues of “Hanatsubaki” at secondhand bookstores, as well as new ones. After joining the company, I realized I owned books on Shiseido and magazines featuring Shiseido packaging. That was a big surprise to me. Perhaps I was gradually getting fascinated by the power of Shiseido designs without ever really noticing it.

Masayoshi Nakajo’s art direction for“Hanatsubaki”

ーWhat is the most satisfying aspect of your job?

I work on the product designs for PICO, a limited-edition makeup line belonging to global brand SHISEIDO. I also work on the sustainable skincare brand, WASO.

I have been working on PICO since its launch in 2018, three weeks after joining the company. My first design was a glow-in-the-dark gift package. For the launch, we had a popup store in Omotesando and organized a number of beautiful events. There was a real buzz on social media.

Watching what I created going viral was very satisfying, but also super surprising.

PICO series

What I love about being a designer at Shiseido is that I design in the broader sense, without constraints such as how the design “looks”. The company trusts our product designers, so instead of designing based solely on marketing-driven ideas, we think together, like what kind of story, colors and materials works to create an attractive design. By working together, we are able to create “new beauty experiences”.

What I keep in mind when I design is not just creating something beautiful, but how to bring out its originality. I think about creating a design that incorporates Shiseido’s unique identity and innovation. We often discuss “Shiseido-ness”, and how it is embedded in us as creatives. One example is the “Shiseido font” that has been passed down for over 100 years. All designers and copywriters master these beautiful, handwritten letters over a year or two; so when we create, this Shiseido-ness is present in everything we do.

Designers master the Shiseido font after joining the company

ーTell us about your team and your working environment.

Ours is an environment without seniority. If I’m making something, people will stop by and chat, asking about my work. And vice-versa, I always do the same. Because of COVID-19, we often work at home, so we often communicate through chat apps. That’s been great, as it means less meetings, but I still try to proactively report, connect, and consult with others.

Meeting with other member

ーWhat are your goals for the future?

Product design has a lot of technical restrictions in manufacturing, and this area requires a high level of expertise. So, I would like to acquire more knowledge and enhance my skills. At the same time, by challenging tasks outside my area, I’d like to be a resourceful person who can design experiences related to every aspect of the product.

Also, by utilizing my design science education, I would like to fuse art and science. For that, aside from my design tasks, I am engaged in developing products with the Shiseido Global Innovation Center and university researchers.

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