Conveying Value while Partnering with the Brand

Yuna Terasawa

Copywriter, Joined in 2019

ーWhat kind of work do you do?

Moving People and Society Through Words

I see my work as using "words" to influence people and society. A significant part of my job involves creating television commercials, digital ads, and point-of-purchase displays and posters. For example, in a commercial, I’m involved in everything from structuring the message to fit within the allotted 15 seconds to writing the lines for the talent. It’s crucial to understand the core aspects of the product or brand, so I engage from the early stages of production and share ideas with my teammates across various fields.

Copywriting for cosmetics goes beyond simply conveying information; it requires words that resonate emotionally and capture the essence of "beauty." Additionally, Shiseido has a unique style of language among its copywriters. For instance, avoiding kanji for the word "burn" in sunscreen reflects Shiseido's commitment to detail and aesthetic sensitivity.

ーWhat do you find fulfilling about your work?

The Joy of Refining Expression Within Constraints

As a student, I had the freedom to focus on creating expressions that resonated with me personally. However, in my current role, I collaborate with various stakeholders on a single brand or product, incorporating diverse forms of expression. I find it invigorating to refine my own voice while considering the broader project objectives. For instance, when I receive a request to revise a copy, simply implementing the changes can sometimes diminish its creativity. Instead, I initiate discussions to explore more effective expressions. This collaborative process is challenging but often yields insights and ideas that I might not have discovered independently, making it immensely fulfilling.

ーWhat strategies do you use for better work?

Just Think

As a copywriter, my job involves a lot of thinking before writing. When I feel stuck, I often take walks, but even then, I'm constantly brainstorming. Discussing my ideas with coworkers is also very important. I always keep a notebook handy to jot down thoughts or take notes during meetings. When writing copy, I generate a lot of ideas, even if they aren’t fully formed yet. While I type more often due to remote work, I find that physically writing in a notebook often brings out new perspectives and helps me organize my thoughts.

ーWhat made you decide to join the company?

A Long-standing Admiration for Shiseido’s Advertising Department

After studying information technology at university, I pursued a graduate degree in film studies and worked freelance in video production for a while. During that time, I developed an interest in advertising and often came across Shiseido's striking posters and copy. I was also impressed by Shiseido’s corporate culture magazine, "Hana Tsubaki," which I found very cool. I had always known about and admired Shiseido’s advertising department.

Attraction to In-House Creators

I was drawn to the idea of working as an in-house creator, where I could take the time to thoughtfully engage with products and brands over the long term and convey their value. While I had an interest in advertising during my student years and was intrigued by ad agencies, I felt that the short-term, project-based work typical of agencies wasn’t right for me. I prefer to think deeply and have a long-distance running approach. So, I believed that in-house work suited my nature.

ーTell us about a memorable project.

Naming for Majolica Majorca

Majolica Majorca is known for its unique naming style, and I remember mentioning it in my application as an impressive communication. I attended a naming meeting for a limited edition product, invited by a senior coworker. We brainstormed ideas around the theme of "a trunk found at the bottom of the sea," and through discussions with the brand team, we arrived at a name I proposed. I was so delighted that I even gifted it to my sister!

Greeting for the Top Banner of Web Hana Tsubaki

I participated in the planning stage of the website renewal for my admired "Hanatsubaki." The theme was "seasonal greetings from Hanatsubaki," and the first update coincided with the rainy season. I explored various ways to create a phrase that would catch visitors’ attention as they scrolled. This project allowed me to create graphics inspired by my words, leading to a luxurious and fulfilling experience of "worlds being born from words."

Elixir’s Sustainability Campaign

For a campaign to raise awareness of Elixir’s sustainability initiatives, I collaborated with three copywriters from the brand team. Unlike my previous projects, which focused on emotionally resonant language, this job required careful storytelling. The final tagline, "Aging care. It’s care that thinks of the future," was just one part of a broader effort, including short statements, videos, and a website explaining why the skincare brand is addressing environmental issues. Additionally, since there was an Asian market component, collaborating with English copywriters was a valuable experience.

ーTell us about your work environment and relationships with coworkers

Maternity and parental leave, along with returning to work, are part of everyday life.

The environment here makes it easy to balance child-rearing and work. I returned from parental leave in April 2024, and the atmosphere treats maternity and parental leave as everyday occurrences, ensuring that opportunities for growth are not lost. I was able to jump back into work immediately. While the systems are certainly in place, the warm and open atmosphere has been incredibly appreciated. Many senior coworkers successfully balance work and family, providing both role models and sources of advice.

ーWhat are your future goals?

Aiming to Be a "Next-Generation Copywriter"

A phrase from a senior copywriter in my first year still resonates with me: "We want you to become a next-generation copywriter." In my early days, I thought being a copywriter was all about creating catchy slogans, but I believe it means becoming a new type of copywriter with a broader perspective. The forms of media expression have become very diverse, and the language that resonates in a TV commercial differs from what catches attention on social media. As media evolves, the words and expressions must change as well. I anticipate encountering new media in the future, and I want to be prepared to adapt. My goal is to become a "next-generation copywriter" who can generate expressions no one has seen before while balancing Shiseido's aesthetic sensibilities and attention to detail.

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